February 19, 2018 (transcription from audio file)
Hey everyone, Elder Olson here, this week 1 of transfer 13. Wow!
So this week has been really good. It's been really cool.
We started off on Tuesday going to Rancagua. We had a big meeting with the whole mission because it was one of the only opportunities we were going to have to get the whole mission together because of the Christofferson meeting. So we all went up to Rancagua and we had a big meeting with everybody in the mission which was really cool. It was fun to see a lot my friends there. It was good to talk with Elder Rogers, and well Elder Lee who was my last companion and his companion is Elder Rogers who was in our zone before. They have been in my other sector in Baquedano. And it's been crazy.
They told me about a lot of the success they've been having there. And it looked like four of the investigators that we had, two I found with Elder Davis and two we found with Elder Lee, four of them were baptized in these last couple weeks which is incredible. I'm not quite sure which ones I've mentioned. I know I've mentioned Alejandro. He used to be doing really well at one point and then we left and so for a little while he didn't get anything but they started teaching him again. And they baptized Aileen who we found in a really cool way. Her cousin contacted us on the street and said "Oh look, I'm a member from this other town and my cousin lives right over here. Talk to her." And she ended up getting baptized. And then Victor, who I don't think I really ever mentioned, he was an investigator who was progressing really slowly, but I had a lot of hope for him and he finally did it. His wife was the first person we contacted with Elder Davis on that first day in that sector. We contacted his wife in the street and found out she was a less active member. And in our time there, she started going to church, started paying her tithing, she was there every week. He came 4 or 5 times to church but was progressing really slowly. But finally overcame some word of wisdom difficulties and was baptized. So I'm super excited for him. And then the last one is named Juan Diego. Who is a Columbian who moved to come down with his girlfriend here in Chile. So they were all baptized this last change, which I was super excited to hear about. It's really cool to see how much fruit came from all of our work there in that sector. I probably worked harder there than I had, well I worked pretty hard my whole mission, but I really tried to give it my all there and they saw results because of that. And we saw some while I was there with Jorge so that was really cool to hear about.
And then on Tuesday night we went and we slept in the house of some members in Rancagua which was different. That's not something that happens very often. That basically never happens. So we slept in the house of some members in the Tupahue Stake in the Los (?) Ward. A less active member offered his house for us to stay there so we would be ready to go to the training in the south of Santiago on the next day. So then the next day we got up there, we got to the church at seven in the morning and then we went up to Santiago and had the meeting with Elder Christofferson and Elder Bragg, the seventy who's in our area presidency who came a couple months ago. And it was cool to hear from them. My favorite part I think was hearing Elder Christofferson's testimony about president Nelson. It was just a very powerful testimony from someone who knows President Nelson very well. So it was a testimony builder for me to hear that. I know President Nelson is a prophet of God. And I know that Elder Christofferson is an apostle and that he has keys for his calling and he is called of God. He's no ordinary man. So I got to shake his hand and everything. We had a short meeting with him...about 2 hours. It wasn't really focused on any particular theme. I would say it was kind of on general missionary work. Maybe if I went back and listened to it again I'd find a theme for it. Talked also quite a bit about worthiness and having the spirit. That's something very important for all missionaries to understand.
The day after that we went down to Rancagua and had the 5 weeks training for the trainers and trainees, which was really cool. It was short and sweet. I really liked it. I kind of just made a little list of things that I could improve. The big thing that I got out of all of the meetings we had this week is that we need to read the Book of Mormon more. That's something that the Church is stressing a lot and our mission had been stressing a lot for a long time. Teaching out of the Book of Mormon.
We had a good experience with that this week, reading through a chapter with an investigator and teaching the lesson out of the chapter. It's not the first time I've done that but it went VERY smoothly and the spirit was VERY strong. It was a really positive experience. So it's kind of a testimony that we should use the Book of Mormon as much as possible in all lessons. And we should help our investigators gain a personal testimony of the Book of Mormon.
On Friday we had a baptismal interview with Pamela. She did great. She was very ready. The interview lasted in total about twenty minutes which was so short. Normally they last about an hour. So the fact that it was so short kind of surprised us. But yeah, she was excited. And then she actually asked ME to baptize her. I was a little surprised. I was assuming that her dad was going to baptize her, and I suggested that her dad should baptize her. But she wanted her dad to confirm her and she wanted me to baptize her. So that was a cool experience. That was something that until now on my mission I hadn't had that opportunity so it was really cool to be the one performing the ordinance. It was just a positive, it was a good, experience. She's very, I don't know, logical about things. She's not very sentimental. But when the baptismal service finished she got pretty emotional for one of the first times that I've seen. So it was pretty cool to see that she was touched in some way by the baptismal service. Then she was confirmed on Sunday without any problems. So we are super excited for her. She's great.
This week we also set a baptismal date with a Haitian named Justin...well close to Justin, we'll call him Justin. He speaks SOME Spanish. The ward has been SUPER welcoming to him and this other Haitian, who are basically the only Haitians in Licantén. It's such a small town. They've been super welcoming. There had been a miscommunication. They thought he didn't have a bed to sleep on so some of the members, without us having talked to them or anything, they went and found a bed for him and had taken it to his house. In the end it was something to do with blankets that he had actually needed. But he had misunderstood them because his Spanish is not fantastic. But it's not bad either. It's pretty good as far as Haitians go. Especially because he only had a couple months here in Chile. I think he said he only had 2 or 3, but less than 6 months here so I was impressed with the Spanish he does know for having only a little time here. And he's already come to Self-Reliance classes, he's come to church twice, so his baptismal date is for the 24th of March. We put it a little further out to make sure he'll be able to understand the doctrine and really make sure he's able to understand what he's doing before he gets baptized. So it's not just something that we kind of push him into. And so if we or he feels like he's ready before that, he can get baptized earlier. So we're excited for him. It's been cool to practice my Creole. I'm pretty sure I've gotten better. I'm pretty happy with that. I've been practicing a bunch with him in our lessons.
Also this week they told us about transfers. So it looks like I'm going to be staying here in Licantén and Elder Hiatt will also be staying here with me. We'll be together another change, which will be super fun. We're pretty excited about that. He's a good guy.
Elder Crompton is being changed, he's one of my good friends from the MTC, but he's going to a sector that's out in another district in a small branch. And Elder Rogers, who had replaced me in our last sector, came down here with me, to be companions with our Zone Leader, Elder Tyce. Our Zone now, a lot of us, are the same ones that were in my zone in Rancagua. Which is cool. A lot of good missionaries. It's a lot of fun.
So yeah, I think that's about it. I hope you all are doing good. I hope you all are taking advantage of the gift that we have in the Book of Mormon and one thing that Elder Bragg said was to find a scripture about Christ and his sacrifice that helps us to feel even more love for Him. I can't remember the ONE that I had decided was MINE. The scripture that most made me feel that. But I really love 1 Nephi 19:9 (I believe) which says, "And the world, because of their iniquity, shall judge Him to be a thing of naught. Wherefore, they scourge Him and He suffereth it. And they smite Him, and He suffereth it. Yea, they spit upon Him and He suffereth it because of his loving kindness and long suffering towards the children of men." I really like that scripture and I think it shows Christ's love for us and his patience with us when we are imperfect. Elder Hiatt also wants me to tell you that it's his favorite scripture as well. He loves it so much :-).
Well, Love you guys. Hope you're all having a good week. Ciao!
Elder Olson
Sleeping in a members house...Their dogs wiped themselves on E Hiatt`s bed :) |
Most of our group that goes home together, minus sisters and some latinos. We're 29 in total. |
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Another angle of the same group. |
Chicken Fight!
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