March 7, 2017
Howdy y’all,
Wow, this week flew by super fast. It was really good though. We were working constantly. We found a lot of new investigators. Sadly, almost all of them are unmarried couples living together, which makes our job a bit harder. Luckily they’re all really smart and receptive though.
Another cool part of this week was making the 4-hour trip to Talca to fill out some papers for my visa. We had to be there at 8:30am, so we went down Sunday night to stay the night with my old friend Elder Haar! We got down there a little early, so we went and ate once (once (ohs-say) is like a small dinner they eat here late at night) with some old investigators of Elder Terrazas. The next day was Pday so after taking care of my visa we went and had a barbecue wi some other less actives. I ran into a lot of other missionaries I knew, and even some members from San Clemente which was awesome. It was great to see everyone.
Also, my bike broke again on Friday and the mission still hasn’t been able to get me the replacement parts I need. I’m getting pretty sick of the 45 minute walk to our area, but at least I have a lot of time to talk with my comp.
This week I read a talk called “The Fourth Missionary,” which was super awesome. I've been focusing on having the changes of heart that I need in order to become a more consecrated missionary. I really have changed a lot in the last few weeks, and I’ve realized that changing our actions isn’t enough, we need to change everything down to our thoughts and beliefs. I promise that by following the counsel of Omni 1:26 and offering our whole souls to Him, He will change us. I love you guys and I love this work.
Que Dios les bendiga (God bless you),
Elder Olson
A couple of pictures:
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The Buin Zone in their Buin TShirts. Jacob is kneeling on the bottom right
The Buin Countryside |
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