Hey everyone,
We're getting down to the end of the transfer down here. We just found out that one of my Zone Leaders is being called as Assistant to the President, so it'll be nice to have a little inside hook up.
We've been having a ton of tremors this last week. The biggest one was a 6.7 earthquake on Monday. We're all ok, it can just be kind of hard to sleep when we wake up in the middle of the night with the floor shaking.
This week we taught an interesting family. The mom was an author, and the Dad is a CrossFit nut. They had a stripper pole, and a 3 foot tall bong/hookah thing in their house , and they spoke English, and the mom's a Buddhist. They're smart and say they'll read, but they lack real intent and desire to learn.
Our super promising investigator with a baptismal date moved north for work for two months without saying anything to us. So that's nice.
We had a training with President last week in Rancagua. He's putting a big emphasis on asking for references from members. The members here in Buin are great about accompanying us, but I'm yet to receive a reference from a member from my own sector. I've gotten a few from investigators though, one of his has a baptismal date now!
President's been changing a lot of the rules. We won't be having Zone meetings anymore, which is a bummer. We'll just be meeting as a District. Also, we can't play soccer in Ward activities with investigators any more, or give English classes without also teaching a PMG (Preach My Gospel) lesson. I get it, but it's still kind of lame.
Love you guys,
Elder Olson
Quote from a personal email: "One of the big lessons I've learned this week is the blessing of sacrifice. As endowed members we covenant to sacrifice whatever God asks us too. The more completely that we keep this law and consecrate ourselves, the more fully that God can bless us."
Note from Mom: Elder Olson also told his little brother the Chileans don't really celebrate Easter down there the way we do up here. They eat a lot of fish as per the Catholic tradition but that's about it. But they were able to share a lot of the #princeofPeace videos from the church and that was really nice. He told his other brother that right now, Elder Strong, who lives in the same house, buys and shares a lot of sushi with them. He's feeling pretty lucky on that count. He loves sushi. He's fortunate to have such a generous Elder in the house too. :-)
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Drinking Chilean Mate |
Chilean opening a Mini-Mission Call |
Elder Haar and Elder Olson |
Buin Zone |